A Dry Lesotho And Weekend In Underberg

A Dry Lesotho And Weekend In Underberg

Fly Fishing, Fresh Water, Trip Report, Trout
[caption id="attachment_1443" align="alignleft" width="300"] Top of Sani Pass[/caption] After days of planning (ok, a cold beer and an idea) we left at 4am for the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho. Tents and sleeping bags were packed, firewood was at the ready, and the Captain Morgan was prepped for an adventure worthy of Kingsley Holgate. We stamped through the SA border at 7am and were proudly the first car up Sani Pass for the day. It was at this point that the adventure was downgraded by a level or two. Since our last trip up Sani a lot of work has been done. The road has been widened, retaining walls have been erected, drainage has been installed under the road, and ice corner has been defeated. The pass as we knew it…
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The UHTFC AGM And Festival

The UHTFC AGM And Festival

Event, Fly Fishing, Fresh Water, Trip Report, Trout
[caption id="attachment_1421" align="alignleft" width="199"] The New UHTFC Banners[/caption] Once a year the UHTFC host their AGM and, in order to make it more exciting and to improve attendance, they throw in a small fly fishing festival as well. The general format is a meet and greet on the Friday evening (where waters are drawn), fishing on the Saturday, and then weigh in followed by the AGM and dinner on Saturday evening. Not wanting to miss out on any fishing time Neill and I planned to leave Hillcrest at 1pm in order to get in a short afternoon session. Sadly things went a little pear shaped from the start. Firstly, on my way home, I stopped off to pick up some new Baha decals only to discover they weren't finished yet.…
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A Long Weekend in Underberg

A Long Weekend in Underberg

Fly Fishing, Fresh Water, Trip Report, Trout
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times...no long weekend should ever go to waste. And since it had just been Nick and Tarryn's birthdays, we decided to do a family trip to Underberg for a little fishing and relaxation. Sadly my Jeep was in the shop so I borrowed my mom's Corolla and quickly packed it on Friday morning before the 7am departure time. Amazingly it almost seemed to fit in more than the Jeep and we easily packed all my fishing equipment, including my float tube, as well as Emma's pram and various other bags. I was truly impressed. [caption id="attachment_1349" align="alignleft" width="300"] A misty afternoon at Lund's Dam[/caption] We met up with Nick, Tarryn and Mila at our usual garage on the N3 and…
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Teach The Teacher With Peter Hayes

Teach The Teacher With Peter Hayes

Event, Fly Fishing
[caption id="attachment_1256" align="alignnone" width="800"] Sunrise over Eland Dam, Kamberg Nature Reserve[/caption] Thanks to the KZNFFA Peter Hayes spent several weeks in South Africa offering fly casting courses, and in his free time fishing the local waters. As part of his trip he was kind enough to get involved in several upliftment projects involving some of South Africa's local communities. [caption id="attachment_1255" align="alignleft" width="300"] Warren releasing a rainbow trout[/caption] One such project revolved around the Thendela community which is located directly outside the Kamberg Nature Reserve on a stunning stretch of the Mooi River. The long term plan here is to divide their river frontage into beats and to then get the locals to guide tourists on these stretches of river. For the fishermen involved it would provide access to some…
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A Family Fishing Trip To The UHTFC

A Family Fishing Trip To The UHTFC

Fly Fishing, Fresh Water, Trout
Since the birth of my daughter fly fishing has taken a bit of a back seat but, being who I am, that was of course definitely not sustainable. So when I was told that Peter Hayes was offering a clinic to the Aids orphans in Underberg I immediately took Friday off, packed up the family, and headed for Underberg. Neill was meeting us there but sadly Nick was unable to make it. Strange that we fish together almost weekly and yet have never done an Undies trip together. Anyway, moving on. Sharon and I were woken at 4am by a sick daughter. This was not the start I was hoping for as we trolled the internet in the dark working out whether, at 6 weeks old, we needed to worry…
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A Day On The Bushmans

A Day On The Bushmans

Fly Fishing, Fresh Water, Trout
It's been a slow river season for the Baha Boys with only a few trips having been undertaken. And of those trips Lesotho is the only one really worth mentioning. A raging Lotheni River over Christmas meant 5 fishless days for myself, and the birth of my daughter also meant a short lull in the fishing. So when Worker's Day rolled around, and both Nick and I had a free day, we grabbed the opportunity with both hands and headed for the Bushman's River. I guess there's no real point in introducing the Bushman's as (almost) every trout fisherman in South Africa knows it as perhaps the best wild brown water in the country. That said there have been numerous recent reports around the vast number of rainbows coming out…
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A Morning At North End

Fly Fishing, Fresh Water, Trout
Since I was camping at Lotheni for 5 nights and the river was (sadly) unfishable we headed into Underberg for the day. After a quick cup of coffee with Alan we shot across to North End due the thatch gazebo which offered some shade for Sharon in the 30 degree plus heat. On arrival (at 9am) I noticed two other fisherman on the water. I quickly kitted up one of the boats and then rowed out onto the water. The other fisherman looked less than pleased that I was there (I guess the boats are a little noisier than float tubes) but after a brief chat all was resolved and we got down to fishing. Apparently they'd landed just one 4 pound rainbow between the two of them that morning. And with…
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A Raging Lotheni

A Raging Lotheni

Fly Fishing, Fresh Water, Trout
[caption id="attachment_926" align="alignright" width="300"] A Very High Lotheni River[/caption] It was with much anticipation that I walked down to the Lotheni River, ready to end 2012 (and start 2013) with several wild brown trout. Sharon and I had booked 5 nights in the nature reserve from boxing day into the new year. Camp was set up and I was ready to enjoy 6 days of trout bliss. On our drive in I could see that the river was high, but looking down on a river from above is always a little deceptive. It was therefore only when I stepped onto the bank that I realised that the river was literally raging. In fact it was impossible to cross in places and, despite having fished it often, it was unrecognisable to me.…
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Lotheni Nature Reserve

Lotheni Nature Reserve

[caption id="attachment_792" align="aligncenter" width="900"] View Over The Lotheni River[/caption] [caption id="attachment_793" align="alignright" width="300"] A Lotheni Wild Brown[/caption] Lotheni is most notably known for its beautiful scenery and many hiking options for people of all ages and abilities. That said, for us at Baha Fly Fishing, its known for its wild Brown Trout, Sime's Cottage and technical stream fishing. The fly fishing at Lotheni (mostly) takes place in the Lotheni River which runs below both the main camp and the camping site. It contains a healthy population of wild Browns and is in my opinion rather technical as the Browns seem far more skittish than those in the popular Bushman's River at Giant's Castle. The river is of course only open during the standard season running from the 1st September to…
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