Nick’s Day Of Domination

Nick’s Day Of Domination

Bass, Fly Fishing, Fresh Water
[caption id="attachment_416" align="alignleft" width="300"] Nick Testing Float Tubes[/caption] The weekend got off to a good start with a morning's fishing at Inanda Dam. Nick picked me up and, after a quick stop at McDonalds, we headed for the water where we met up with Gavin and a mate of his. Things got off to a very interesting start when we spotted a spear fisherman in a full camo wetsuit. Strange? Or was it just us? Now slightly worried about our legs dangling in the water we pumped up our float tubes and made our way out into the water to start nailing those bass. Nick had a great session and landed 4 largemouth bass on a home tied woolly bugger. I must've been doing something wrong since, despite fishing close…
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The New Baha Vessel

The New Baha Vessel

Bass, Fly Fishing, Fresh Water
[caption id="attachment_390" align="alignright" width="300"] A Tiny Largemouth Bass[/caption] Sunday started off with a little admin as I helped Nick patch up a few holes on his newly acquired boat. This was of course all worth it as we hooked it up to the Jeep and headed down to Inanda Dam to make sure it didn't sink. This did of course mean that we packed the fly rods and planned to nail a few bass in the process. When we arrived at the gate at around 11:30 we could hardly believe the queue. Yes, it was a beautiful day, but the queue was ridiculous. It must've taken us around half an hour to just get through the gate and then we had to worry about finding a free slipway. With the…
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Inanda Dam Bass Bashing

Inanda Dam Bass Bashing

Bass, Fly Fishing, Fresh Water
[caption id="attachment_290" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Nick Fly Fishing Inanda Dam[/caption] Since Nick was working on Sunday we decided to have a fish on Saturday morning. Rather than head to the berg we tried something new and headed down to Inanda dam to bash some bass. Nick picked me up at 7am which was a nice change from the normal 5am, however in retrospect this may have been a little late as the temperature in the valley climbed to a sweltering 38 degrees. We pumped up the tubes and were in the water by 8am. Nick quickly got into his first fish of the day, a small largemouth Bass taken on a flipper. I had started with an intermediate line and after Nick missed a few more takes I opted to switch…
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Exploring Inanda Dam

Bass, Fly Fishing, Fresh Water
This week I decided I'd explore some of the local water, rather than hitting the salt. So when Saturday morning arrived I grabbed my 5 weight, and headed down to Inanada Dam to try and pick up a few Bass. I'd fished the dam once before with Nick, and we'd managed to pull out a few Bass, so I figured I had a good starting point. WRONG! Since the dam is now full (and clearly wasn't when we last fished it), the area we'd been successful in was now completely underwater. I didn't let this deter me, and headed off on foot into the unknown. There was a bit of a path, but it got more vague the farther I went. Eventually I was just bashing my way through the…
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