Midday Harbour Fun

Fly Fishing, Salt Water
Since Sharon had been called in for some last minute lecturing I was free to wet a fly. Sadly my options were a little limited since I had things to do and therefore could only leave the house at around 9:30am. I decided that my best option was to fish the harbour which can produce at any time of day. However as soon as I pulled into the harbour I quickly realised that the tides were against me. It was high tide and after consulting my cell phone I discovered that it had just started pulling. In my personal experience high tide in the Durban harbour is best fished in the early morning or late afternoon, preferably as the sun is rising or setting. I've always been far more productive…
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Gurney Bashing

Gurney Bashing

Fly Fishing, Salt Water
[caption id="attachment_225" align="alignleft" width="300"] Warren With A Durban Harbour Gurnard[/caption] With the upcoming trip to Sterkfontein looming Nick decided he was in need of some new flies. This saw us heading down to Kingfisher to pick up a few beetles and hoppers for what we were hoping to be some great sight fishing for Yellows. And what would a trip to Durban be without a quick stop in at Durban Harbour to try and bash some Kingfish. The tide was pushing when we arrived at 7:30am and we started our fishing on the breakwater located close to Point Yacht Club. There were a lot of fish cruising the edge of the pier but I was unable to identify exactly what they were. They did however look like game fish due…
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It’s Harbour Time (Can’t Catch This)

It’s Harbour Time (Can’t Catch This)

Fly Fishing, Salt Water
[caption id="attachment_218" align="alignleft" width="300"] No Gurneys[/caption]It was a fast becoming a lazy Sunday and Nick was spending it destroying his lounge floor. I on the other hand was getting itchy fingers and needed to flick a fly into water of any kind. Thankfully, just as I was running the bath to practice my casting, Nick smsed to let me know that the tiling was going faster than expected and that we could indeed go for an impromptu fish. The chosen water was the Durban harbour and we arrived at around 12:30pm. This of course is far from the ideal time, but then again, the best time to catch a fish is when your fly is in the water. We opted to fish the pier at the Royal Natal Yacht Club…
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Back To The Harbour

Fly Fishing, Salt Water
Since Sharon was visiting her folks in Richards Bay, I decided it was time to get in another fish. The original plan was to head to the Drakensberg to bash a few trout, but sadly my fishing buddy got tied up and I was left on my own. This meant falling back to plan B, which is never a bad thing, so I pulled out the old salt water stick and headed down to Durban harbour. When I arrived the conditions looked fantastic. There was the slightest breeze on the water and it was partially cloudy. With a Charlie tied onto the end of my line I headed down to the water, which was surprisingly warm, and flicked in my first cast. There was a lot of mullet action around…
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Center Bank Bashing

Center Bank Bashing

Fly Fishing, Salt Water
[caption id="attachment_154" align="alignleft" width="225"] Nick Nortje Catching Crabs[/caption] After a long period of no fly fishing, I finally managed to get back into the water, and was more excited than ever. The main reason being that during the week I joined the Natal Fly Fishers Club (NFFC). This means that I now have access to large selection of club waters holding everything from trout, to yellows, to bass. However after all of this I still ended up fishing the salt, and will have to wait a while until I can get out to those waters, since most of August is already booked up for me. Onto the fishing report... On Saturday morning Nick and I headed down to the harbour with the hopes of picking up a Garrick or two.…
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Bait Fishing Durban Harbour

Bait Fishing Durban Harbour

Bait, Salt Water
[caption id="attachment_151" align="alignright" width="225"] Nick Climbing The Block[/caption] After having been out of the water for far too long, I finally managed to wet a line in the harbour. Sadly it wasn't a fly line, but having sat out for a few weeks I was willing to take anything. Nick picked me up at 7:30 and we headed down to the harbour where we met his brother. We knew high tide was at 6am, but we figured that we'd still be able to pump some cracker. This turned into a more entertaining experience than expected. Lets just say its rather interesting trying to pump cracker in waist deep water. But being the tough guys we are, we managed the deed and soon had our lines in the water. Standing waste…
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Fly Fishing With My Sole

Fly Fishing With My Sole

Fly Fishing, Salt Water
[caption id="attachment_129" align="alignleft" width="250"] First Sole On Fly[/caption]After a good weekends fishing in the berg for Brown Trout, I gave the harbour a couple of flicks with the rod. My trip down on the 14th produced just one small Flathead, so nothing special there. The trip on the 17th was more planned. A forumite from FlyTalk, who was down from the Freestate, wanted to fish the harbour with me. The plan was to meet him there at around 3:30. We'd wade the banks for a while, and then, when it got darker, would hit the breakwater to go for some kingies. Unfortunately the wind was howling, and so he decided not to give it a fish. Seeing as I was all packed and ready to go, I decided to give…
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The Lone Ranger

Fly Fishing, Salt Water
Being on leave I decided to go and give the harbour a quick flick with the old fly rod. When I got down there the wind was blowing good guns, but being as tough as I am, and due to the fact that I'd driven all the way down there, I decided to give it a bash anyway. I fished the main channel for a while, before deciding to take shelter behind the big concrete block near Wilson's Wharf. This meant fishing the smaller channel, where some of the private fishing charters launch from. There was another fly fisher nearby, who had also elected to fish this spot, so together we flogged the water. The fishing was tough, and after an hour of so I got into a small Bartail…
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Blood Sports

Blood Sports

Fly Fishing, Salt Water
[caption id="attachment_116" align="alignleft" width="300"] Small Pickhandle Barracuda[/caption]Having Friday off has the added bonus of being able to fish without too many other people around. So off I headed to mt local hunting grounds, the Durban Harbour. Surprisingly, there were more people around than I expected. Clearly I'm not the only one on short time. Either that, or South Africa has a lot of lazy bastards. Hmmm... I waded the banks and was quickly into a gurnard which I landed without much trouble. Shortly after that I was into another. Gurnards never let you down. At this point I decided to try an area I had targeted too much in the past... What a great decision! On my second cast I was into a small Pickhandle Barracuda; A first for me.…
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Springer Action (Just Not For Me)

Springer Action (Just Not For Me)

Fly Fishing, Salt Water
[caption id="attachment_110" align="alignleft" width="225"] Springer On Dropshot[/caption]Another weekend, and another trip to the harbour. I should probably try and toss a fly elsewhere, but its just so convenient. Plus fishing some of the beaches on a Friday evening just isn't safe. Added to this is of course the fact that fish have been coming out there, and the beer. I arrived at the harbour around 5:30, and was in the water shortly after that. It was still a tad early, but you can't catch without a fly in the water. High tide was at 7pm, so I fished an incoming tide, followed by and outgoing. As the sun started to set suddenly the water came alive. Although I've only fished the harbour a handful of times in the last 2…
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